Hello guys, welcome to our new weekend project video. This is an easy coral art that you can use to decorate your home, office or any other location. This is made from hot glue. Yes! You heard it right. This is only made up of our fav hot glue. This project is inspired by Oooh Blog. Subscribe for new DIYs every weekend http://bit.ly/SubMrAbAk For other project videos, check out http://bit.ly/ProjectsMrAbAk Check other Weekend Projects here-http://bit.ly/WeekendProjectsMrAbAk Weekend Projects are just cool projects that you can make on weekends. Support us for creating more DIYs and HowTos for you by pledging for us here -http://bit.ly/PatreonMrAbAk Find us on- Facebook-http://bit.ly/FacebookMrAbAk Youtube-http://bit.ly/YoutubeMrAbAk Google+ -http://bit.ly/GoogleplusMrAbAk Blogger-http://bit.ly/BlogMrAbAK Patreon-http://bit.ly/PatreonMrAbAk Twiiter-http://bit.ly/TwitterMrAbAk Parental Guidance may be needed for this project. Be Safe. For making this project you need - Some copper or iron wires Hot glue gun Acrylic paints A pair of pliers And a piece of wood or foam as a base. After gathering out all this stuff just follow the instructions in the video and make yourself an innovative home coral decor art that can be put just anywhere. More awesome projects coming soon. Stay tuned. Thanks for Watching. Please Subscribe here http://bit.ly/SubMrAbAk Mr AbAk - AbhayAkshay Maurya http://youtu.be/_txB6BJjKX0
DIY 3 Things to do with Bottle Caps
Here are three things you can make with bottle caps this week. These are easy projects and you may find them nice. We are making some bottle cap badges, fridge magnets and key chain. Subscribe for new DIYs every weekend http://bit.ly/SubMrAbAk For other project videos, check out http://bit.ly/ProjectsMrAbAk Support us for creating more DIYs and HowTos for you by pledging for us here -http://bit.ly/PatreonMrAbAk Find us on- Facebook-http://bit.ly/FacebookMrAbAk Youtube-http://bit.ly/YoutubeMrAbAk Google+ -http://bit.ly/GoogleplusMrAbAk Blogger-http://bit.ly/BlogMrAbAK Patreon-http://bit.ly/PatreonMrAbAk Twiiter-http://bit.ly/TwitterMrAbAk Parental Guidance may be needed for these projects. Be Safe. After gathering out all the stuff just follow the instructions in the video and make some special things for yourself and your family too. More awesome projects coming soon. Stay tuned. Thanks for Watching. Please Subscribe here http://bit.ly/SubMrAbAk . Mr AbAk - AbhayAkshay Maurya http://youtu.be/PryKjybP2is
WP#12 DIY Desktop Rotaing Santa Claus
So here, We are going to make a DIY Desktop Rotating Santa Claus that is not just beautiful but unique in its own. This idea is inspired by no one {This is Original} Subscribe for new DIYs every weekend http://bit.ly/SubMrAbAk For other project videos, check out http://bit.ly/ProjectsMrAbAk Check other Weekend Projects here-http://bit.ly/WeekendProjectsMrAbAk Weekend Projects are just cool projects that you can make on weekends. Support us for creating more DIYs and HowTo's for you by pledging for us here -http://bit.ly/PatreonMrAbAk Find us on- Facebook-http://bit.ly/FacebookMrAbAk Youtube-http://bit.ly/YoutubeMrAbAk Google+ -http://bit.ly/GoogleplusMrAbAk Blogger-http://bit.ly/BlogMrAbAK Patreon-http://bit.ly/PatreonMrAbAk Parental Guidance may be needed for this project. Be Safe and Live Awesome. For making this project you need - A pair of scissors A old yet working clock machine A hobby knife A ruler Super glue A piece of cardboard A Second's hand And this Template After gathering out all this stuff just follow the instructions in the video and make yourself a beautiful Christmas Gift. More awesome projects coming soon. Stay tuned. Thanks for Watching. Please Subscribe here http://bit.ly/SubMrAbAk Mr AbAk - AbhayAkshay Maurya http://youtu.be/waAGF9iUcps
Trailer : DIY Glue Gun Coral Art
This is our DIY Glue Gun Coral Art made from Glue Sticks. Check back next week for how to make this and more awesome stuff. Happy DIYing. Mr AbAk - AbhayAkshay Maurya http://youtu.be/tmVWdY4Ok1M
WP# 11 : DIY Rotary Cutter
So here, We are going to make a DIY Rotary Cutter that can easily slice through plastic, wood, or cardboard. This idea is inspired by American Hacker's DIY rotary cutter. Subscribe for new DIYs every weekend http://bit.ly/SubMrAbAk For other project videos, check out http://bit.ly/ProjectsMrAbAk Check other Weekend Projects here-http://bit.ly/WeekendProjectsMrAbAk Weekend Projects are just cool projects that you can make on weekends. Support us for creating more DIYs and HowTo's for you by pledging for us here -http://bit.ly/PatreonMrAbAk Find us on- Facebook-http://bit.ly/FacebookMrAbAk Youtube-http://bit.ly/YoutubeMrAbAk Google+ -http://bit.ly/GoogleplusMrAbAk Blogger-http://bit.ly/BlogMrAbAK Patreon-http://bit.ly/PatreonMrAbAk Parental Guidance may be needed for this project. Be Safe and Live Awesome. For making this project you need - A pair of pliers A fast and powerful motor Some bottle caps A screw and a sprocket Super glue A 12 v power adapter A screwdriver And a hammer After gathering out all this stuff just follow the instructions in the video and make yourself a rotary cutter that makes your and our work easier. More awesome projects coming soon. Stay tuned. Thanks for Watching. Please Subscribe here http://bit.ly/SubMrAbAk Mr AbAk - AbhayAkshay Maurya http://youtu.be/7U9Qb7taysg
Trailer : DIY Rotary Cutter
We made this awesome rotary cutter to ease our popsicle stick craft work. You can also make one for yourself. Wait till this weekend for its video. Stay tuned. Happy DIYing and a merry Christmas. Mr AbAk - AbhayAkshay Maurya http://youtu.be/duI6xwOvioY
WP#10 : Coin Separating Machine
So here, it is the coin separating machine that can make your work easy by separating different coins on the basis of their sizes helping you out to count them. This idea was inspired by American Hacker's coin separating machine. Subscribe for new DIYs every weekend http://bit.ly/SubMrAbAk For other project videos, check out http://bit.ly/ProjectsMrAbAk Check other Weekend Projects here-http://bit.ly/WeekendProjectsMrAbAk Weekend Projects are just cool projects that you can make on weekends. Support us for creating more DIYs and HowTo's for you by pledging for us here -http://bit.ly/PatreonMrAbAk Find us on- Facebook-http://bit.ly/FacebookMrAbAk Youtube-http://bit.ly/YoutubeMrAbAk Google+ -http://bit.ly/GoogleplusMrAbAk Blogger-http://bit.ly/BlogMrAbAK Patreon-http://bit.ly/PatreonMrAbAk Parental Guidance may be needed for this project. Be Safe and Live Awesome. For making this project you need - Some coins (Of course, for separating them.) A shoebox Some cardboard or corrugated sheets Some duct tape Some glue A pair of scissors and, some pushpins After gathering out all this stuff just follow the instructions in the video and make a coin separating machine that makes your and our work easier. More awesome projects coming soon. Stay tuned. Thanks for Watching. Please Subscribe here http://bit.ly/SubMrAbAk Mr AbAk - AbhayAkshay Maurya http://youtu.be/ej-9DoxZVlw
Trailer : Coin Separating Machine
This is our DIY Coin Separating Machine. Check back next week for how to make this and more awesome stuff. Happy DIYing. Mr AbAk - AbhayAkshay Maurya http://youtu.be/YtbwtAKyczE
WP#9 : X-Bow v2.O
This is X-Bow v2.O
This is an updated version of our previous video named WP#5 : Handheld Crossbow With Unique Trigger Mechanism
( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sm0h1JvmwS0) .
This small little crossbow can shoot at any angle, shoot at 30 feet away target and is portable so can be stored anywhere.
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Weekend Projects are just cool projects that you can make on weekends.
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Parental Guidance may be needed for this project.
Be Safe.
For making this project you need -
2 - Hair Clips
Some posickle sticks
A Template from here http://bit.ly/XBowMrAbAk
Threads of different colors
Super glue or hot glue
A sand paper
After gathering out all this stuff just follow the instructions in the video and make a special crossbow that is innovative yet simple.
More awesome projects coming soon.
Stay tuned.
Thanks for Watching.
Please Subscribe here http://bit.ly/SubMrAbAk
WP#8 : Automatic Mini Snow Machine
Yes you can also make your own affordable snow machine with least components. With project you can do a lot of hacks. Just put some ice inside the box instead of foam balls so make it an affordable AC. You can also turn it into a vaccuum cleaner by just reversing the wires of the motor. You can also make it into an Airsoft Air Gun.
Subscribe for new DIYs every weekend http://bit.ly/SubMrAbAk
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Check other Weekend Projects here-http://bit.ly/WeekendProjectsMrAbAk
Weekend Projects are just cool projects that you can make on weekends.
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Parental Guidance may be needed for this project.
Be Safe.
For making this project you need -
A 12v DC Motor
A Propeller
A cardboard tube
A Box
Some glue
A 12 v DC Adapter with it's port
Foam balls
A Hobby Knife
Glue Gun
After gathering out all this stuff just follow the instructions in the video and make a special snow machine that is innovative yet simple.
For the circuit you just connect the motor's +ve to +ve of the adapter port and do vice-versa.
More awesome projects coming soon.
Stay tuned.
Thanks for Watching.
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WP#7 : Mother's Day Special : Carrot Gift Box
If you don't have any idea, we have a special gift box for you that's nice and good looking that can become your last moment gift but then also impress everyone.
This is a small carrot shaped gift box filled with juicy and dark chocolates that melt even stone hearts.
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Weekend Projects are just cool projects that you can make on weekends.
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For making this project you need -
A orange A4 size sheet
A green A4 size sheet
A papercutter
A pair of scissors
A punching machine
A pencil
A ruler
And some thread or ribbon
After gathering out all this stuff just follow the instructions in the video and make a special carrot shaped gift box that is innovative yet simple.
More awesome projects coming soon.
Stay tuned.
Thanks for Watching.
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WP#6 : Non-Contact Voltage Detector
You can use it to detect AC and DC current present in any wire or circuit without touching the circuit.
You can even detect static electricity with this detector.
Subscribe for new DIYs every weekend http://bit.ly/SubMrAbAk
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Weekend Projects are just cool projects that you can make on weekends.
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Parental Guidance may be needed for this project.
Be Safe.
For making this project you need -
A 9v battery
A battery cap
3 2n3904 or bc547 transistors
1m ohm resistor
100k ohm resistor
2 ohm resistor
1 smd led
soldering iron
hot glue
some wires
and this circuit http://bit.ly/VoltMrAbAk
After gathering out all this stuff just follow the instructions in the circuit and make a special voltage detector that is innovative yet simple.
More awesome projects coming soon.
Stay tuned.
Thanks for Watching.
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LedUSB : Google Science Fair 2015 Entry
" Please watch,like,share and comment this video and any three top commentors will get 1 year pro membership of instructables.com "
Note- Submit your email and user id of instructables.com for participating.
This is LedUSB : Converting Solar Energy To Electrical Energy With The Use Of LEDs.
You may call it the cheapest solar panel in the world costing you only $3.
LedUSB stands for LEaDing US Beyond.
As dynamos use electrical energy and they will rotate and if we rotate them they generate electrical energy,
LEDs also do the same thing. If we power them they produce light energy but if we give them sunlight they produce electrical energy that we can use to charge our devices.
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Check out Weekend Projects here-http://bit.ly/WeekendProjectsMrAbAk
Weekend Projects are just cool projects that you can make on weekends.
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More awesome projects coming soon.
Stay tuned.
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Magical Jar of Water (H2O)
Hello guys and welcome to our first Minute Make.
Here we create projects in a minute that are just awesome.
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For this project you just need a jar, a blue led strip, a 12v dc adapter, 3 tablespoon oil, some sugar and water.
You just need to do them as shown in this video and even a small kid can make this project.
More awesome projects coming soon.
Stay tuned.
Thanks for Watching.
Please Subscribe here http://bit.ly/SubMrAbAk
WP#5 : Handheld Crossbow With Unique Trigger Mechanism
This is a small handheld crossbow that fit's in your pocket and fires toothpicks with unique trigger mechanism that allows you to fire it single handed.
You can customise it by wrapping colourful threads around it.
Subscribe for new DIYs every weekend http://bit.ly/SubMrAbAk
For other project videos, check out http://bit.ly/ProjectsMrAbAk
Check other Weekend Projects here-http://bit.ly/WeekendProjectsMrAbAk
Weekend Projects are just cool projects that you can make on weekends.
Find us on-
Google+ -http://bit.ly/GoogleplusMrAbAk
Parental Guidance may be needed for this project.
Be Safe.
For making this project you need -
2 - Hair Clips
Some Popsicle sticks
A nail
Threads of different colours
Super glue or hot glue
A sand paper
After gathering out all this stuff just follow the instructions in the video and make a special crossbow that is innovative yet simple.
More awesome projects coming soon.
Stay tuned.
Thanks for Watching.
Please Subscribe here http://bit.ly/SubMrAbAk
LedUSB : Converting Solar Energy Into Electrical Energy With the Use of LEDs

Yes you read it right.
Today we are going to make a LED matrix that generates free energy enough to charge your phones and tablets.It is a portable handheld device that can charge a device. We had the main concern on that it should be portable , lightweight and cheap.This LED matrix can be made very cheaply as 100 Red LEDs cost only $2 on ebay.com . We have used a joule thief circuit with a resistor, a ferrite toroid, a ceramic disk capacitor and a transistor as extra materials that cost you $1.Whereas solar panels that give you 5v are much bigger than this and are expensive ranging between $40 - $100.
So basically we are going to develop a source of infinite energy (till sun remains) which charges your phone for lifetime under $3 and then also it is 1/4 of the size and 1/8 of the cost of same capacity solar panel . A phone battery is charged around 1826 times in its lifetime so if we divide $3 by 1826 so it costs $0.00164293538 to charge a phone one time . Literally, that's what we spend on nothing . So it's a bit cheaper than normal solar panel that cost $0.0273822563 per charge that means 2 cents for every charge.
So now you must have understood that what we are going to do in this project. Literally we are going to Save Energy.
Watch LedUSB Teaser.
Google Science Fair 2015
This is our contest entry for Google Science Fair 2015.
Please support us by watching,liking and sharing our videos.
Thanks for your support. Each and every view matters.
For this project we searched a few sites and we found that very less has been posted about this idea.
Then we found two sites namely mrs.org and techulator.com that had some research data.
Through them we inferred the following data-
Working of LED
In any normal PN junction diode, when a recombination occurs, the energy produced at the junction is released in the form of heat. These radiations are invisible. Unlike a PN junction diode, semiconductor materials like GaAsP and GaP are used in case of LED. If these materials are used, then recombination at the junction results in production of photons. Thus, the junction can act as a source of light.In the figure shown below, anode is given a more positive potential than the cathode. This makes P region more positive than the n region. This positive potential at P region repels holes to the n side and the negative potential at the n side repels electrons to the P side. So, holes and electrons recombine at the PN junction and this produces energy. In case of an LED, this energy will be released in form of photons. These photons escape through the window provided on the anode and hence, the LED acts as a light source.
Colours & constructions-
Depending on the type of material used to make the PN junction, the wavelength of light produced varies. Different colours are produced for different materials used in the construction.
Amber - AllnGaP
Blue - GaN
Green - GaP
Yellow - GaAsP
Red - GaAsP
White - GaN
How LED works as a solar cell?
Red LEDs act as solar cells when irradiated by solar energy.When solar light is allowed to fall through the window of an LED, the photons in the light which has wavelength equal to the band gap of LED penetrates deep into the PN junction. On absorbing energy from these photons, the electron hole bond at the PN junction breaks and result in accumulation of electrons in the n side and holes in the p side. So, p side will be more positive than n side. This makes anode positive and cathode negative. Hence, LED acts as a cell.
LED solar panel -
The voltage produced by a single red LED is around 0.7 to 1.3 volts but its output current is very low. So, a single LED cannot be used for powering any device. To increase its output current and voltage, we will use a combination of LEDs which are connected both in parallel and in series. The advantage of this is that the parallel combination increases current rating while the series combination increases voltage rating.If the current output of a single LED is around 100uA, then 2 LEDs in parallel can produce 200uA. Similarly, if the voltage produced by a single LED is around 1.3 volts, then 2LEDs in series can produce 2.6 volts.
Typical applications
1. They can be used to construct cheap solar cells.
2. They can be used for mobile phone charging.
3. They can power double voltage oscillators used for low power devices like mosquito repellents , calculators and digital watches.
1. The cost incurred is low. They are economical in use.
2. They are easily available.
1. If it is exposed to sunlight for long period, the LED can damage. In order to prevent this, high power LEDs can be used.
2. All the LEDs should face the sun at the same angle. This can be done by mounting all the LEDs on a common PCB.
3. Since the output current is low, for high power applications, more number of LEDs must be used but this makes the circuit bulky.
After all this research we made a circuit and tested it
It's Video-
After reading the previous data we started to work on leds like which color provides most energy and which size of the leds is suitable.
After studying all this we have found that red and infrared led work best and 5mm normal leds work best as all sizes of leds give mostly similar outputs.
Then we thought to design a few prototypes and circuits of this idea.
First Prototype:


We made this prototype first.In this prototype we needed a lot of LEDs and they all should face in same angle. Constructing this we found that it was a big version and needed some changes to make it more reliable and portable.
Second Prototype:


After first prototype we founded some changes and then developed entirely new circuit with minimal LEDs and minimal components. But what if there is no sunlight around? To find this answer we made another prototype.
Third Prototype:

This was the final prototype of LedUSB which gave output of 5.2v in minimum sunlight.This circuit is just same as second circuit but we have added rechargeable cells to improve its working. This is the circuit we are going to make in this instructable.
*Hint-Click the images for bigger images. :D
Gather Stuff
For making this project you may need the following stuff-
Stuff | Cost | Links |
(4x) 5mm Red Leds | $1.99 | Buy |
(1x) Perfboard | $2.41 | Buy |
(1x) 1K ohms Resistor | $0.29 | Buy |
(2x) Rectifier 1N4007 Diodes | $0.20 | Buy |
(1x) 5v or 6v Zener Diode | $0.33 | Buy |
(1x) 2N2222 Transistor | $0.95 | Buy |
(1x) 16v 100nf Ceramic Disk Capacitor | $2.27 | Buy |
(1x) Ferrite Toroid | $0.24 | Buy |
(4x) 1.5v Rechargeable Cells | $11.99 | Buy |
(2x) 9v Battery Caps | $2.99 | Buy |
(1x) USB Port | $0.01 | Buy |
Some Wires | ||
Total | $23.67 |
Note-All items rate are in bulk.
Scavenging Parts From Old Electronics
In this Instructables we need some common parts so why not scavenge them from old electronics?
Where we can get these things?
- LEDs-We can get these from old electric bulbs that may have a maximum of 30 LEDs.
- Diodes-We can get upto 9 diodes from a broken CFL.
- Capacitors-We can get these also from old CFLs.
- Transistors-We Can get these from old R/C cars and stuff.
- Resistors-We can get some resistors from old phone chargers.
- Toroids-We can also get these from a CFL.
- USB Port-We can get this from old pen drives or USB Cables.
- Battery Cap-We can get some battery caps by opening a 9v Battery.
Opening a CFL-
Opening A 9v Battery-
Tools Needed
For this project you may need these tools-
- Soldering Iron
- Multimeter
- Pliers
- Wire Cutter
- Hot Glue Gun
- Dremel
- Super Glue
Let's start working on this project.
Making the LED Circuit
Now let's start making the first and very important part of our project that is the LED Matrix.
Just take all four LEDs and solder each two in parallel as shown in the images.
Then solder the two groups in series and take out wires for positive and negative.
Winding the Toroid Core
Now just take the ferrite toroid core and two simple wires.
Then start rolling the wires round the ferrite toroid core about 7-8 times.
make sure that the wires are evenly spaced.
Video Tutorial-
Making the Joule Thief Circuit
First of all, place all the six components including the ferrite toroid on the perfboard. Make sure that everything fits perfectly on the perfboard and the perfboard should be of dimensions 2*3.5 = 7cm².
Then turn the perfboard and solder all the components as shown in images.
This completes the joule thief circuit.

Video Tutorial-
Completing Circuit
Now take the LED matrix and solder its positive and negitive terminals to the joule thief circuit input.
And now take the USB port and solder it to the output of the joule thief as shown in images.
Now take a battery cap and solder it with a rectifier diode and then solder it to the USB port as shown in the circuit.

Preparing the Battery
For doing this just use the pliers and open the case from top.
Then gently push everything upside and you will be able to get a battery case with six 1.5v cells and a battery cap.
Video Tutorial-
Drilling Holes in the Battery Case
And don't forget your safety is most important.
Video Tutorial-
Assembling Everything Together
First take the battery cover and insert it into the USB port as shown in images.
Then secure the circuits by gluing them.
Now take the USB with the cover and gently push it inside the battery.
Then take the LED Matrix and push it inside the battery case and then gently insert the joule thief case.
Now take the battery case and insert it onto the other side of the battery as shown in the images.
Now take hot glue or super glue and seal everything inside. Do not apply much on the LED Matrix.
Finishing Touches
Now, after completing the circuit work we decided to decorate it and do some creative work.
We just grabbed some white and red paints and brushes and started to paint it.
After some paint job we printed some labels for it and then glued them.
After getting some satisfaction and believing that it's up to the mark we left it to dry.
Taking this Vision Further And Older Prototypes

This section describes them.
Older prototypes-
- It was a bigger version with around 25 LEDs
- It had indicators to indicate charging and working,etc.
- It had an on off switch
- It had some space left to store something like 9v batteries.
- It could charge 2 or more devices simultaneously.
- It wasted energy as it didn't used joule thief and used 7805 for regulated 5v output.
- It needed ferrite toroid.
- It needed only 4 LEDs
- Less wastage of energy as no 7805 and use of joule thief.
- Little in size; can be stored anywhere like in pocket.
- It can charge only a device at a time.
- It needs OTG Cable or something like that.
Using it And Testing
For using it just grab your OTG Cable or something like that and plug your phone and LedUSB into it.Then place it into the sun for charging. But what if there's no sunlight or you want to use this in the evening. Remember about, an extra battery cap and 4 rechargeable cells??
Just connect them in series and connect a battery cap to it and then just plug it into the battery cap of the LedUSB.
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More awesome projects coming soon.
Stay tuned.
Thanks for giving your precious time. Have a nice day.☺☺☺☺☺
WP#4 : The Awesome "Motivating" Lamp
Here's a great project for weekends.
This is a small lamp for your desk that keeps motivating you that you are awesome.
You can customize it's motto or you can put your photos as an photo frame.
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Weekend Projects are just cool projects that you can make on weekends.
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For making this project you need -
3x- 3w super bright led
a 9v battery
a battery cap
a slide switch
some wires
soldering iron
Now just follow the circuit and solder everything in place.
Now you have just got a small desk lamp that shows you your way out of depression by motivating you. Simply Awesome.
More awesome projects coming soon.
Stay tuned.
Thanks for Watching.
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